She rolls her eyes. "Please. You think I’m going to let you boss me around?"
"Yeah. I do."
Sera laughs. "You’re delusional."
"Oh, I don’t know, Fee," I say, tapping her on the tip of her nose, "you like me bossy in bed." It gets her crazy and hot and I love how carefree she is when we fuck.
She flushes a pretty pink, just as I knew she would, and I chuckle.
"That’s different and you know it," she chides.
I shrug. "You still let me boss you around."
"Hmm," she murmurs.
"And you enjoy it."
"Yep. I do. The driver needs to hurry up and get there so you can boss me around some more," she tells me with a grin.
"In a hurry?" I ask.
"Kind of."
"Any particular reason why?" I’m curious now. Why the rush? Is she afraid I’m going to change my mind? That’s not going to happen.
She turns in her seat to face me, resting our joined hands on her knee.
"I miss being with you."
"And?" I ask, knowing there’s more.
"And, it’s been a while," she reluctantly admits.
I raise my brows. "How long’s ‘a while’?"
"You just want it all, don’t you?" she asks with a huff.
"Damn straight, but I’ll give you the same." I’m nothing if not fair.
"Fine. Since that night with you," she looks away.
My brows lift higher. I thought for sure she’d been with Kingston. I grin on the inside. This makes me happier than it should. I’m a dick. I admit it. But I’m glad no one’s touched her since me.
She’s looking out the window, her body turned slightly away from me now when she states plainly, "You’ve been with Carina."
Ah. My turn for revelations, not all of them just yet, though.
"I don’t want anyone but you. I haven’t for a very long time."
"But nothing. It’s straight up how it is."
She slumps back in her seat, her jaw slack, her brow furrowed with confusion as she stares blindly out the windshield. I wasn’t exactly forthcoming with the whole truth, but I didn’t lie. I don’t want anyone but her.
Being with women has always come easy for me. I’m efficient at charming them out of their panties, fucking them, and sending them on their way. Unless there’s an agreed upon arrangement where we meet to fuck, and only fuck, nothing more, nothing less, I’ve never been with a woman more than once.
Fee is my exception. From the day I met her, she changed the rules. She just didn’t know it until we both gave in that night. So many times I denied myself, knowing she wasn’t ready. I would never pressure her because I know the minute she feels backed into a corner, she turns tail and runs and it’s hell catching her.
We pull through the gates and park at the door. I nod to the driver then wait as Sera slides over before I reach for her hand to help her out. When she’s standing, I tug her into me, hold her face in my hands, and meet her gaze.
"I’ve been waiting patiently, Fee. All this time I’ve been waiting."
She gasps and nods.
"I didn’t think you wanted that—this. And I’d rather have you as a friend than nothing at all," she says, softening against me.
I nod. "I knew that and I knew you weren’t ready to believe me, even though you know I will never lie to you. But seeing that key on the table today... I knew I waited long enough, almost too long." I can’t lose her. I won’t. No matter what.
She leans into me and wraps her arms around my middle and hugs me tightly. I hold her close and breathe her in. She always smells like coconut and pineapple.
"What do you want to do?" she asks softly.
"Right now what I want to do is get you in the shower and wash your incredibly sexy body, finger you until you come, fuck you against the shower wall until you come again, and then I’m going to come hot and hard inside you."
"Well then."
I nod and lead her inside.
"Joan," I greet with a smile, then make a mental note to find out where Joan was earlier and just how the fuck Carina slithered herself into my home. Again.
"Welcome home, Cage," she greets in return.
Roxie Rivera
Jan Elizabeth Watson
R.A. Neely
Loren D. Estleman
Dean Koontz
Rita Bradshaw
Tim Lebbon
Johm Howard Reid
Bryan Gruley
Kylie Chan