Alter Boys

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Book: Alter Boys by Chuck Stepanek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chuck Stepanek
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pants and underwear below his knees which actually made kneeling on the stool more comfortable.
    “There, yes there!” Gus chugged out in guttural excitement.  He had to get inside the boy soon or his seed would be wasted on the ground.  “Now lean forward again and look directly into the eyepiece, don’t look anywhere else.”  Corky complied and got his first look at heaven, and what a disappointment – it was all black.  No God, no Jesus, not even one crummy angel.  Gus sensed the reaction and offered words of encouragement.  “Give it time, you will see it.”  He was looking at the boys buttocks.  He could see the star-shaped anus and breathed:  “Oh yes!  You will see it and it will be sooo good!”
    Corky looked harder but still saw only black.  “I c-c-can’t” He nearly whimpered.  This was Gus’ cue.  It was now or never.  “Then let me help you.  Keep looking now.”  And Gustavus Milliken, son of vermouth-chugging Barbara Milliken, victim of her ogre boyfriends, graduate of Duluth seminary, pedophile to Timmy Swenson and half a dozen other altar boys, confidante to the sins of an entire community and responsibl e for guiding them to salvation; Gus Milliken separated a pair of preschool butt cheeks and began his insertion.
    Nudged forward; Corky understood only that the priest was trying to guide his vision.  There were two hands on his exposed behind:  One dry and firm, the other greasy and grasping for purchase.  Then there was another sensation; a pressure in his behind.  Like having to take a hard poop; only—different.  Initially the feelings were oddly comforting, the large man’s body enveloping him in an intimate fashion.  But then it changed—oh how it changed.  The priest gave a thrust and the head of his penis entered the puckered anus.  A harsh squeak came out of Corky and he tried to pinch off the invader that was violating his bum.  “Don’t do that!”  The gentle tone of the priest had been replaced.  He had had his doubts about even being able enter the boy but now that the door was open he wasn’t about to risk his toehold.
    Corky tried to pull away from the priest and the telescope.  If this was what heaven was all about he didn’t want any part of it.  “No!” came the roar from behind him.  “You must keep looking until you see heaven.  When you see heaven it will stop!”  The whimpering boy feigned looking into the scope and cried meekly ‘I see it.’  Meanwhile Gus had gained another two inches.  He was assuredly far enough in now to begin a rhythmic stroking pattern without risk of losing his lodging.  He dared another half inch, succeeded, and turned again on his victim.  “No!  You don’t see it!  You’re n-n-not even looking in th-th-the eyepiece!
    Openly crying now, from the pain in his bottom and from the rapid change in demeanor of the priest, Corky again took up his search for the heavens.  He now held the telescope with both hands; not only to aid his futile viewing but to brace himself from the pounding he was receiving from behind.  “Tell me w-w-what you see!”  The voice behind him demanded.  Five inches and counting.  This exquisitely tight ass was going to get a shot of hot lava.  Just a little more and then it’s ‘mister cock ring meet mister anal ring!’  Ha!
    “I see… I see… a light.” It was a statement of honesty and relief.  The shaking of the scope had caused it to cross paths with a street light.  The glare smeared into and out of view and then back again.  Fixing it into view was impossible, but it had been something .  To corky it meant heaven.  A great disappointment from his expectation of heaven, but that mattered little now.  He had seen it and that meant the pain would stop.
    He was wrong.           
    Daddy had made short work of the paths running north and south and was on the final section at the back of the quad.  Here he

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