Acting Out

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Book: Acting Out by Paulette Oakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paulette Oakes
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too much
information. Even though she is a noble, she can be very dangerous. You must be
careful not to give her the impression that you will report back to me. In
fact, it would help if she thinks you scorn me.”
    Jessica shot him a flirtatious grin. “In case you haven’t
noticed, I’m very good at my job, Korian. Acting is a fine art, and I’ve been
told that I’m one of the best. There’s no need to worry about me. I’ve dealt
with worse women than her.”
    Korian turned until he was gazing down into her upturned
face. “And what about when you are with Zandar? When you touch him, laugh, and
share your secrets with him, is that real or is it acting?”
    Jessica’s smile faded and her mouth went dry. “I don’t know
what you want me to say, Korian. Zandar is my friend and he’s kind and
courteous. He’s funny and friendly, and I enjoy spending time with him.”
    The king closed the distance between them and crowded her
into the glass with his big, muscled body. His breath fanned across her hair
and she closed her eyes when she felt the tip of his finger tracing the T’Kalan
blade hair pin that was pinning up the side of her hair. “Yes, but what I need
to know, Jessica, is this: who were you thinking of when you pinned this dagger
in your hair tonight? Was it Zandar Nic’Omar, or was it me?”
    Jessica’s heart was beating in her throat, and the truthful
answer burst forth from her lips as if he had reached inside her and yanked it
out of her. “You. I was thinking of you, Korian.”
    Korian sank his fingers into her hair and brushed along her
bottom lip with his calloused thumb. Jessica couldn’t suppress the shiver that
wracked her body or the hitch of her breath as he used his strength to pull her
into his body. “Ah, but does your body come alive when his hand is at your
waist? Do your eyes dilate with lust when he is near?” Lowering his head to
hers, he pressed his lips against hers in a light, teasing kiss. Pulling back
just enough for their breaths to mingle, he breathed, “Does his kiss make your
breasts swell or your sweet woman’s center weep?”
    His words were like seductive magic, stealing her breath and
making her burn. She whimpered and tried to close the distance between their
lips again, but his grip on her jaw prevented her success. “I must know the
truth, Jessica. Do you feel these things in his arms as you do in mine?”
    Her hands twined around his narrow waist and gripped
fistfuls of his uniform as she plastered herself even closer to his hardness.
“No, Korian, I don’t. Only with you,” she confessed, her voice cracking with
    His smile was feral with victory and possessiveness. He
gripped her hair gently in his fist and pulled her head back even further. “I
have seen his intent with every caress and each pass of his eyes over your
body, but he will not have you. Do you understand me, Jessica? I will not allow
him to claim what is mine.”

    Before Jessica could even think to formulate a reply, Korian
swooped in and staked his claim with his lips and tongue and teeth. His mouth
tasted like sin with a mixture of wine and something sweet and she chased the
flavor with her tongue. Jessica moaned into his mouth, her hands sliding up the
plains of his chest as his traveled down hers, both of them frantic with lust
as they gripped and squeezed until they were panting into each other’s mouths.
    Korian kissed his way over to her ear and growled, “Take off
your dress before I rip it in two with my hands.”
    Jessica sucked in a breath and her stomach swooped with
anticipation. With shaking hands, she reached up to her shoulders and pressed
the latches that kept her dress secured her body. With a soft swish of
fabric, the emerald green gauze fell to the floor at her feet, leaving her
standing in nothing but her thong underwear and high-heeled shoes. She heard
Korian groan as she braced her back against the window and presented herself,
unashamed, for

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