“Sophie or not, I was actually going to introduce you guys to Tom.”
“You want more men around here?” Callen asked.
He and Leah took turns digging a hand in the pretzel bag. The rustling filled the kitchen and echoed in Beck’s head. It was like sitting in a movie theater while the people behind him crinkled a bag for two hours. Annoying.
“He’s in construction and could help with build out. Everyone in the county uses him. He’s probably the best builder around,” Leah said. “That’s his business, what he does.”
He could have a statewide exclusive on nails and Beck’s answer would be the same. “No.”
Callen put a hand behind his ear. “Care to expound on that? Maybe give us ten or fifteen lawyer words to explain your dismissal of Leah’s idea.”
“We’re fine as we are.” Except for the money trouble, all the secrets, the townspeople who hated them and this thumping need for Sophie.
“We?” Callen’s mouth dropped open after he barked out the word. “I have yet to see you pick up a hammer.”
Beck considered that his best decision since coming to Sweetwater, possibly his only good one. Declan and Callen were work-with-their-hands types. They liked to argue and build. Beck preferred the planning, so he stuck to that.
And he didn’t get stuck spending hours outside in the rain. As far as he was concerned, that made him the smartest Hanover brother. “I’m administrative staff.”
“Well, when it comes to hiring personnel I’m overruling you.” Callen turned to Leah. “Give me this Tom guy’s number,” he said, holding out his palm as if expecting her to have it on her and handy.
Typical older-brother-always-in-charge move. Well, Beck had had enough surprises and talk for one evening. He got up, ignoring the screech as his chair rubbed against the floor.
Leah called after him. “Where are you going?”
“It’s eight o’clock.” Callen’s voice suggested he wanted to add “dumb-ass” to the end but left it off.
Beck answered as if he heard it. “Shut up.”
Chapter Seven
Callen watched Beck disappear around the corner then heard the thudding of angry footsteps on the stairs. Callen knew he probably pushed too hard, but watching Beck flail around like a lovesick, suffocating fish over Sophie had gone from being amusing to pathetic. Callen didn’t fully trust Sophie but he recognized attraction when it zapped in front of him, and those two had it bad.
Then there was the part where Beck wanted, maybe needed, to fix the estate situation. He stared at the same damn claim documents day after day. He made calls and argued people to death. He put his body between law enforcement and the rest of the family.
But he couldn’t solve Charlie’s mess, and Callen didn’t know how to make his very smart but very idealistic brother understand that simple fact.
“Hmmm.” Leah drummed her fingers against the table. “He’s been saying ‘shut up’ a lot lately.”
“We probably deserve it most of the time, but he’s into Sophie to the point of being stupid,” Callen said.
Leah picked up the cue. “Was Declan that messed up over me?”
“Sort of.” As far as Callen could tell, his brothers wallowed in different forms of woman-related stupidity. “Declan didn’t hide how much he wanted you. He was just a disaster at keeping you.”
“Poor baby.” Leah smiled as said it. “He tried so hard.”
“You finally took pity on him, and we are all grateful.”
“Happy to help.”
“Beck, on the other hand, is in denial.” Since more than a month had passed and Callen still hadn’t gotten a true feel for Sophie, he could understand Beck’s confusion. “Maybe that’s not a bad thing.”
“You definitely don’t trust Sophie.”
“I know what you just said, but do you? Really?” Part of Callen wanted to kick Sophie out before Beck got any more attached. Hell, before any of them did. Even with the snooping and excuses, there was something
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