15 Paranormal Romance Collection Boxset- Billionaire Bad Boy

Read Online 15 Paranormal Romance Collection Boxset- Billionaire Bad Boy by Dark Mocco - Free Book Online

Book: 15 Paranormal Romance Collection Boxset- Billionaire Bad Boy by Dark Mocco Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dark Mocco
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    Grace stepped into the underskirt and put on Jed's shirt and said, "Jed can come back now."
    "Not yet.”
    Grace smiled. "You're right. You're still naked."
    Jenny lifted her chin. "Damn right. If he wants me like this, he's got to buy me dinner, at least."
    Grace smiled a faint and easily crushed smile.
    Jenny continued, ''And flowers. And maybe chocolate."
    Grace's smile strengthened. She said, ''And marry you."
    Jenny stopped. "1 think so. Maybe." She shrugged into her own skirt and put her head through the waist of Grace's discarded skirt to cover her breasts. She shouted, "Jed!” then turned to Grace. "Remember this. He didn't rape you. He didn't."
    "No, he didn't. He scared me and got inside me a little. But he didn't rape me."
    Grace plastered herself against Jed as soon as she saw him. "Jed. You got here in time. He didn't rape me. I'm still a virgin."
    Jed held her with both arms and both hands and his cheek against her wet hair. "That's wonderful. Really wonderfu1." Grace nestled against his chest and neck.
    Grace looked at his Three-Day-Growth's slack body. "He's dead isn't he?"
    "Sweetheart," Jenny said, "with those bullet holes in him, he's completely, irrevocably dead. He can't hurt you, or anyone else any more, ever.”
    Jed held her away from him slightly. "Grace, we've got to get back. It's getting late and Marjorie and Debbie are alone." Grace nodded.
    Jed led them to his horse and both of the dead men's horses. Grace hesitated. "Jed, can 1 ride with you, instead of on one of their horses?"
    "Sure." Jed got in the saddle first and Grace joined him. Jenny followed along with the other horse's rein tied to the pommel of her saddle.
    Grace closed her eyes, leaned back against Jed and brought his arm across his chest. It touched her breasts and she jumped. She comforted her breasts with both hands. "They hurt. He was so mean." Jed put his arm around her waist and held her until they reached camp.

Chapter Nine
    At camp, Grace wouldn't leave Jed's side. Jenny told the other girls what happened, assured them that Grace was alright, gave them dinner and sent them to bed.
    After an hour around the campfire, Grace's head and eyelids drooped. She looked up at Jed and said, "Carry me to my wagon. Please?" Jed picked her up. Grace turned to Jenny. "Come with me. I want to talk to you.” and tucked her head into Jed’s chest.
    Jed placed Grace on her mattress and kissed her forehead. She hooked her arm around his neck and brought him down for a big kiss on the lips. She said, "Thank you" and kissed him again. "I won't ever forget you. Not even until the day I die." She laid back down. Jed left.
    Grace held her arms out. "I don't have my mother or sisters to hold me and I need it."
    Jenny stretched out next to Grace and held her in her arms.
    Grace nuzzled for a moment. "I need to know something."
    "What is it? I'll tell you if I know the answer."
    Grace leaned back so she could study Jenny's face. "What does it feel like when a man you love goes inside you." Her eyes dropped. "I know what it feels like when a mean man sticks his thing inside you, and you don't want him to."
    Jenny smoothed Grace's hair back from her forehead. "What did it feel like?"
    "Mean. Really, really mean. He didn't just want to have me, he wanted to humiliate me. I can't imagine it's the same with someone you love."
    Jenny nodded. "It's just the opposite. It's like you're welcoming him into your home, and you've cleaned everything up and made a nice, big dinner. And done it all for a man who cares about you. It makes you feel important to him and happy." She saw that Grace's eyes were all the way closed. She shook her gently and the eyes opened a bit. "Grace, can you hear me?"
    "Yes." Grace yawned wide open without holding back. "I can hear you."
    "Good. Because this is important. A bad man tried to fuck you today. He failed another man tried to fuck me also, and he failed. Sooner or later, a nice man will make love to you. He

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