04 Shadow Blood - Witch Fairy

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Book: 04 Shadow Blood - Witch Fairy by Bonnie Lamer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Lamer
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wouldn’t be set loose on the human world.”
    Aunt Barb nods.  “Good thinking.  Very smart of you.”
    Dad gives her a funny look.  “Thanks.  Um, I’m guessing you two need a little time to rest after your ordeal.”
    He doesn’t get to continue.  “No, I’m fine,” Aunt Barb says waving her hand at the idea.  “Just need to get used to being in this body again.  I think I’ll manage that best if I’m up and walking about.  Perhaps I could get a tour of this lovely house and realm?”  She looks at me when she says this.
    I shrug.  “Sure, I guess.  If you’re not too tired.”
    “Perhaps it would be best to start with just the house for now,” Dad says.  “We don’t want her to overdo it.”
    “What a worrywart.”  Aunt Barb grins at me and stands up.  She stumbles with her first step but is able to right herself before she falls.  “I guess I do have to get my sea legs back again,” she laughs.
    Sea legs?  That’s a phrase I’ve never heard her use before.  Probably because we live in the mountains, not by the sea.  “Are you sure you don’t want to wait a few minutes?”
    She stands up straighter.  “I’m fine, really.”
    Okay, if she says so.  She looks a little pale to me.  “Follow me.  I’ll introduce you to everyone after I show you around.”
    “Can I come?” Zac asks.
    Mom gives him a stern look.  “No.  You’re going to rest.”
    His lip goes out in a pout.  “How come Aunt Barb doesn’t have to rest?”
    “Because I’m not her mother.”  He’s a smart enough boy not to push it.  He just crosses his arms over his chest and throws himself back on the pillow.  I try hard to suppress a grin.  Pouty or not, I’m so happy to have him back that he could hit me with a stick and I’d still just stand here smiling at him. Well, maybe not a stick.  I’d probably let a pillow go, though.
    “Ready?” Aunt Barb says in an overly cheerful voice. 
    I spend the next twenty minutes showing her around Isla and Kallen’s house, including the guest room where she’ll be sleeping tonight.  We’re not going back to our realm until tomorrow at the earliest.  After showing her the front terrace and the beach, we head for the kitchen where I’m sure we’ll find the others.
    And I was right.  “Everyone, this is my Aunt Barb.  Aunt Barb, this is Isla, Kallen’s grandmother, Tabitha and Kegan.  You already know Kallen.”
    “Hello!” a voice calls from the terrace out front. 
    It’s Alita.  “Come on in!  We’re in the kitchen.”  Turning towards Aunt Barb again, I say, “That’s Alita.  She’s a good friend of mine.”
    Alita pokes her head into the doorway.  “You are smiling, so I assume all went well?” she asks.
    I grin.  “Yup.  Alita, this is my Aunt Barb.”
    “Nice to meet you,” she says as she comes farther into the kitchen.  She walks to the counter to grab a stool but she stumbles and suddenly looks like she’s going to faint.
    Her face full of concern as she rises from her own stool, Tabitha asks, “Alita, are you well?”
    Putting her hand to her head, Alita says, “I am fine.  I seem to have quite the headache coming on, though.”
    “Kegan, help Alita upstairs so she can rest.  I do not want her walking home if she is ill.”
    Alita nods her consent and steps back towards the door.  “Thank…aaah!”  Both of her hands fly to her head now and she drops to her knees.
    Tabitha and Isla both look worried as they move quickly towards her.  “What is it child?”
    “My head,” she says between a clenched jaw.  “I’ve never felt a pain like this.”
    Kegan is by her side now and he scoops her up into his arms.  I hate that she’s in pain, but once whatever this is passes, she’s going to be in heaven that Kegan did that.  Her crush on him is barely a secret.  He likes her as well, but he

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